We provide complete facilities with all modern amenities.
Best Atmosphere
The centre is surrounded by clean and green environment. Spacious yoga halls are provided with spiritual atmosphere for yoga classes.
Well Equipped
The centre is well equipped with all the modern amenities and necessary facilities. There are specific rooms for different therapeutic treatments.
Kitchen and Dining
Spacious kitchen and dining arrangements have been made to provide healthy & nutritious vegetarian food as recommended by the doctor.
Best Accommodation
Institute have more than 40 spacious rooms ( 15 Deluxe + 15 Semi +10 ordinary ) with more than 30 employees working including ayurvedic doctors, yoga teachers, trained masseuse/masseur.
Recreational Area
We have a spacious living hall and for entertainment purpose we provide recreational area where patients can play different type of games. We also have a library for studying purpose.
Rules & Regulation
Patients should not consume alcohol, tobacco or non-vegetarian food. Smoking is also prohibited in the institute.
No pets are allowed in the centre.
Patients are expected to pay the fees at the time of admission.